Ideals & Values

1. Make a difference:
2. Advance forward:
3. Explore options and make progress:
4. Contribute to building a better society and civilization.
5. Be passionate, enthusiastic, caring and personally involved.

6. Be unified and focused.
7. Leadership is personal responsibility and action.

8. Be a part of the puzzle, contribute to the big picture.
9. Develop a plan, have a strategy, choose from relevant options, make decisions and take action!
10. Challenge yourself, expand your boundaries, express the best of who you are.

We hope this is a lot like a breath of fresh mountain air
To read more on this see
Ideals & Values

Have an awesome day of exploration and discovery !
Some interesting links to something you probably never read before.

Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme

Universal Declaration of Human Rights