About CVI - Extra, extra read all about it! The CVI program and plan.

Capital Vault Incorporated is the work of the visionary genius ultra-nationalist Michael Comeau. This endeavour represents the original mission and quest for more Made in Canada, with a revitalized industry, enterprise and entrepreneurial environment.

This noble purpose converges the central Made in Canada and Product of Canada gold standard of integrity dedicated to good solid well paying jobs and careers, with ideals of learning and growth in personal, professional and industry development. These ideals also fuel the desire that seeks to create opportunity, prosperity and success in personal and professional development for all of those involved.

Participating actively with a private membership, enables options, tools, resources and capabilities presented here to promote an environment to regenerate the vitality of people, families, communities, entrepreneurs, free enterprise and industry with a much more holistic and comprehensive approach that exceeds mainstream thinking and conventional operations of typical financial and wealth management, venture capital, enterprise development, business management, private and public investment, general and advanced technology capacity, new products, services and market logistics.

About CVI |

Organization |