Key Features & Benefits:
1. The ultimate portfolio development program
- Visionary, bold, practical, relevant and awesome.
- Growth, value, independence, capabilities and success.
- Personal, professional and economic transformation.
- Unified with member values, ideals, goals and priorities.
- Built in awesome asset management and protection.
- Pre-eminent Strategic Risk Management.
- Private property, free enterprise & relevant options.
- Personal responsibility, empowered & self directed.
2. “Buy, build, save & invest in the Made in Canada eh!”
- Promoting companies, technology & programs.
- Develop and acquire products and services.
- New jobs, careers, investment & business options.
- Your winning ticket to massive strategic advantage.
- High quality, production & custom built products.
- Integrated buying group: more productivity & savings.
- Pro-entrepreneur, private personal & family wealth.
- Pro self-sufficiency: people, families & communities.
3. Our Mission is a super-charged economic environment!
- Integrated markets for development and acquisition.
- Amplified innovation, supply chain and strategic logistics.
- Energetic and ambitious people, vision and resources.
- Strategic enterprise development with relevant options.
- A challenging and rewarding quality of life is priceless.
- New opportunities, revenue & wealth generation.
- National, regional and local perspective & options.
- A massive armada of pro-active & counter-measures.
4. Awesome exciting pro-active dynamic options!
- Easily to be part of the solution as a member!
- With 8 major membership options and 51 major accounts!
- 8 general & 23 focused MAX RSVP accounts!
- Over 400 specialized portfolios with incredible options!
- Additional Series, Entities, Class & Jurisdictions!
- Programs, Projects, Technology, Products & Services!
- Empowering multi-dimensional strategic capabilities!
- The CVI-OS 1.0 dynamic operating system and CVIx!