CVIx Pro-Canada - the Arsenal of Democracy
✰ leading edge open source
✰ ultimate multi-media platform
You need to know: Terms of Agreement
◆ deplatform and demonetize the enemy…
◆ No WEF, WHO, UN, NATO or other unconstitutional agreements and associations, anti nation state sovereignty, or allegiance to any foreign criminal agency, or domestic criminal agencies;
◆ No Climate Science Religion;
◆ No Shadow government death panel;
◆ No arbitary ruling, no proxy government;
◆ No technocratic communism or any communism whatsoever etc et al;
◆ No Eugenics depopulation, UN or any Agendas, Protocols etc;
◆ No anti-christian fake news, no anti-patriot, no anti-nationalist anything;
◆ No humans are hackable animals, transgenic or transhumanism;
◆ No technocracy, or global, social and medical experimentation;
◆ No satanism, no sexual perversion, no anti-christ, no anti-family;
◆ No immorality, genocide & death cults;
◆ No traitors, no race traitors, no sellouts;
◆ No treason, no high treason, no terrorism, no bio-terrorism;
◆ No vaccine death by lethal injection bio-weapond cults;
◆ No microwave death machines, 5G & 5G satellite bio-weapons, and weaponization of space by sociopaths;
◆ No anti-private property, no anti Second Amendment, no anti-gun laws;
◆ No "You will own nothing and be happy" communist bullshit;
◆ No "Eat bugs and save the planet" bullshit or stupidity of imbeciles;
◆ No "Eat fake meat and save the planet" bullshit or stupidity of imbeciles;
◆ No using the proceeds of crime, treason and genocide to buy up real assets, including farm land;
◆ No war against the food supply, farmers, health and food integrity and sovereignty;
◆ No GMO food, no polluted food, no chem trails bio-warfare or geo-engineering weather control;
◆ No mass formation psychosis or related mind control;
◆ No laws that are against the law, including arbitrary, un-elected, super imposed, supra-national, proxy or other regulations;
◆ No anti-individual, no anti-white, no anti-straight white;
◆ No BLM, No SPLC, No Centre/Center for Countering Digital Hate etc et al;
◆ No anti white founding people, no anti nation builders, no anti-white history, no social engineering or history revisionism, propaganda PsyOps;
◆ No ownership, association, affiliation, partnerships or reports to the CCP, leftist, communist, socialist, cultural marxist causes, agendas, associations or otherwise, including illegal, rogue, treasonous alphabet agencies, demonic, evil and immoral entities and agencies and associations, paedophiles and proxy paedophile governments, decisions, regulations, rulings or otherwise, no globalism, no liberalism, no "progressive" ideology, isms or otherfool etc et al;
◆ No war against Christians (including all the labels & code names);
◆ No enemies foreign and domestic;
◆ No acts of agression, illegal wars, proxy wars and wars of agression;
◆ No real national security assets, patriots, nationalists, christians or Veterans being labelled as national security threats, domestic terrorists etc et al;
◆ No governments masqueraiding as a religion, no political parties involved in liberalism, crime, treason or genocide;
◆ No anti anti-vaxxers, no anti health sovereignty, no medical genocide or vaccine bio-weapons, no "misinformation" labels for truth tellers, no "Hate Speech" labels for truth tellers or for people that don't agree with someone else, or opinion or people that don't accept or conform or believe the "official narrative" especially relating to mainstream news, big tech algorithms, governments sponsored propaganda, genocide, crime, treason, immorality or anti nation state sovereignty;
◆ No puppets, actors, robots, A.I. or CGI replacing or impersonating real people or fictitious characters or political avatars;
◆ The penalty of treason is death; the penalty or aiding and abetting traitors is also death; public officials in law enforcement, government and defence/defense personnel are encouraged to their solemn oath of duty and work with local law enforcement and corresponding government agencies and entities to ensure real justice, recourse, common law courts as may be required;
You can expose the works of darkness with light, some discretion may be required and wisdom is always useful…
Freedom of Speech and Association is for everyday citizens, is not only for billionaires who censor you and engage in PsyOps, Propaganda and mind control or enforce the official narrative, engage in cultural genocide, information warfare and endless things that don't really matter, for the tech giants controlled by military entities, and the so called champions of free speech, whose quest is to spy on you and get all your information, deceive and manipulate, deplatform or demonetize, delete your accounts, intercept, profile and delete your emails, to be arbitrary in what you can read or communicate, to label you as breaking the rules, if you engage in truth, facts or alternative opinion, to be labelled with illegal hate speech laws, and sell your information in the war against You, the individual, the individual who is the product, because they offer the service for free, and you pay for it with your life, to live at the whim of others, who have declared war against you, who are engaged in genocide against you, who don't respect you, all those who think the rules don't apply to them or that in fact, they do not recognize that freedom of speech is an inalienable right and our responsibility is to exercise that right, the power of the individual.
Big Tech social platforms are full of narcississtic control freaks, it is time to get away from all that, the same people who want to enslave humanity with the techocratic empire of control and genocide, endless social engineering and control, where you no longer have freedom of choice or speech, where you no longer have the power and sovereignty or the ability to exercise your brilliant individual creative imagination, as they censor you and everything you do that does not agree with their agenda.
Defend Canada and Defend Citizens, this means yourself and others with freedom of speech today. Get away from the real virus which is mainstream mass media, start your own channel, report your own news and intel or events, write your own stories, journalism and blogs, create your own content, promote your own designs, art, music, vision of the awesome Canada, we build by choice, powerful freedom of choice, the kind that allows your own comments on politics, religion, defence, family and you. The illegal hate speech laws do not apply here, and anyone trying to enforce that will be more than simply anti-white, they will be enemy combatants, enemies foreign and domestic, and to enforce illegal hate speech laws, would be to engage in treason and high treaon, and terrorism, in addition to anti nation state sovereignty, classed as double agents.
It is a national security emergency to enable freedom of speech for the Canadian Citizen, and with Pro-Canada, the leading edge opens source ultimate multi-media platform is custom built for the Canadian Citizen, it is one of the most important things an individual can do, with the realization that we are at war, and there is no sense using the enemies social media platforms, communication systems and email for anything.
If we do not organize ourselves, someone else will and we may not like it! Defend Canada with a more nationalist Canadian point of view, own it, control it, use it, express the best of who you are in a more Awesome Canada.
Read more on : Freedom of speech
✰ Heart to Heart ✰ Financial-Economic
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