CVIx Personnel - en route
Opportunities for jobs, careers and working share-owners are included here.
A curriculum vitae or résumé may be sent directly by mail or email, to Capital Vault Incorporated or to the companies that are included, through their contact page or forwarded on their behalf.
These opportunities are included for any account, portfolio or entity, and specifically companies listed in the CVIx Continuum. Membership with CVI or the CVIx Continuum is not required to send an application, curriculum vitae or résumé, however, a complete range of opportunities are available to members that goes beyond typical employment options.
Additionally, there are opportunities that may not be listed or currently advertised, that may be appropriate for those with sufficient initiative, experience, qualifications, character or ambition.
This is primarily a pro-entrepreneurial and private enterprise environment that includes profit sharing, working share-owner options, bonus compensation and opportunities to excel. Various business combinations and business options for members may exist or be developed.
Key personnel and many types of general and specific personnel are also required at various levels of organizations. The issuance of common shares, designated securities or otherwise, including a start bonus, moving bonus or other compensation, may be utilized as incentives, reward and essential compensation for any and all types of personnel in any company, portfolio or entity available through or with Capital Vault Incorporated.
Now and the future - pro-active and visionary :
The ideals we have will be focused on enterprise culture, having all personnel committed to our values and empowered with purpose, a sense of connection and identity. Leadership is focused on organizational development, where there is always room for improvement, and personnel management. This will increase recruitment and engagementment, with people in their zone who enjoy their work, and work that is really enjoyed is more like fun all day long. This will lead to competitive advantage, even if Capital Vault and related endeavours, programs and options are exceptional and excellent, this is only the start.
Going forward with enterprise culture, we have the attitudes and civilized behaviour, which includes ethics and values that are essential with a shared or common unifying purpose. This is part of the operating strategy having leadership aligned with culture, even as actions align with values. Ambitious goals of many types also correspond with operating and tactical capabilities and doing those things that we envision because we want to, need for our community and country that may need that now or in the future.
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